The new horizons of BIT 24: trends and strategic partnerships

The new horizons of BIT 24: trends and strategic partnerships

BIT 24, scheduled to take place from 4 to 6 February 2024, is getting closer every day: an ever-changing scenario, it aims at being a space for networking and in-depth analysis of the main innovations and trends in the tourism sector. New this year is the partnership with Welcome Travel Group.

Despite the uncertain global scenario, fuelled by international geopolitical instability, there is no lack of wanderlust - the European travel industry has experienced a major upturn in the last two years, welcoming 550 million international tourists in the first nine months of 2023, representing 56% of the global total and reaching 94% of pre-2020 levels (UNWTO data).


With this in mind, BIT Milano seeks to be a solid reference platform for business and for keeping abreast of news within the constantly evolving tourism market. In this sense, the agreement signed by the event with Welcome Travel Group, the most important Italian chain of travel agencies (there are 2,500 affiliated agencies), whose partners are Alpitour and Costa Crociere, has chosen Bit for its 2024 convention "IN ORBITA", which will bring more than 1,600 Travel Agents and the Network's Top Partners (Allianz, Ita Airways, Amex and Sekurest) to the trade fair.


The agreement confirms BIT24 as a relevant relational space in the world of tourism, a place in which to take stock of the market and its main trends through partner companies, events and exhibitors. Moreover, the Italian tourism market is now worth 255 billion euro, representing 13% of the GDP and employing 3 billion people, i.e., 11% of the total (data released at the First International Tourism Forum; Baveno, 24 and 25 November); there were approximately 36 million arrivals in the first six months of the year (Federturismo), of which international tourism grew from January to July (Assoturismo Confesercenti).


A responsive, increasingly sustainable, conscious, personalised , as well as technological tourism is what is on the horizon at BIT 24. The event will be able to seize these impulses, through its conference format “Bringing Innovation into Travel” and within its three exhibition areas, Leisure, BeTech and the MICE Village: the three sectors respond to the need to highlight all the advantages of the exhibitors, both national and international, shining the spotlight on the most appealing destinations, new services, proposals and opportunities, for a wide-ranging view of the main demands of the sector.


Attention to sustainability, the environment and personal well-being is undoubtedly growing, leading to increasingly responsible travel choices, tourism proposals and business choices that protect the planet, the economy and the local culture (Istat). The result is an increased interest in immersive experiences, with a significant increase in food and wine tourism, slow tourism and wellness tourism, as well as tourism based on cycling, camping and glamping. The choice of the outdoors as the “new luxury” is therefore not surprising and already seems to be influencing 2024 travel for holidays based on hiking and adventure.


BIT 24 intends to act as a key catalyst to explore and embrace these new frontiers and, thanks to its strategic partnership with Welcome Travel Group, is set to be the ideal place to connect key players of the sector, touch upon emerging trends and chart the way forward for a dynamic future in the industry.